Mobility Minute: Enticing Business Features On New Smartphones
One of the trends that we’ve been seeing in mobility is that smart phones aren’t really being built with consumers in mind. There are a number of new smartphones hitting the market being built with business-friendly features. One of these features is a large display with a small bezzle. This is good for users because it gives them a lot of screen space to work off of for productivity purposes. For instance, if they are using a word app or power point app, the experience of typing is actually a good one because of how large the screen is. It’s also good for split-screen mode, which is just a new way of multi-tasking on the smartphone. For example, you can have email open on one side of the smart phone and your calendar app open on the other side. In security, one of the things that is getting really good on the new smartphones is biometrics. Finger-print scanning has been around for awhile, but some of the new phones coming out now have visual recognition and iris scanning, which is a really secure way to do authentication on a smartphone. In addition to all of these features, a lot of people are using smartphones to power a desktop experience. A lot of the new phones actually let you connect to the dock and power a display, a mouse, and a keyboard. This has a number of possible business use-cases. The docking feature is great for IT departments because there aren’t as many devices for them to monitor, and also beneficial to employees because they won’t have to use as many different devices for work.