Sophos' Kendra Krause On What Women Bring To The Table In Tech


Kendra Krause takes no prisoners when it comes to being a female phenom in the field of IT. With a broad career history, ranging from an undergraduate degree in psychology to a leadership position in sales, Krause has demonstrated through her actions what it means to be tenacious and to raise your voice. "I really think that women bring a new voice. There are so few of us in this industry, and I think that in any conversation it is important to get a number of different opinions and ideas. It's great to have a woman at the table," said Krause. At XChange 2017, Krause was the only female in a roundtable discussion on security, lead by the CRN editorial team. "We're that unique piece," she said. When asked about challenges she has faced, Krause smiled admitting she thrives in the face of adversity. "I love to keep pushing myself. And every time I enter into a new situation – a meeting I haven't been to, a country I haven't been to, working with different environments – it's something that's new and exciting for me, and I love it."

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