Looking to accelerate AI? Start with the right mix of storage
Looking to accelerate AI? Start with the right mix of storage That’s right, storage might be the solution to speeding up your AI systems. Why? Because today’s AI and HPC workloads demand a delicate storage balance. On the one hand, they need flash storage for high performance. On the other, they also need object storage for data that, though large, is used less frequently. Supermicro and AMD are here to help with a reference architecture that’s been tested and validated at customer sites. Called the Scale-Out Storage Reference Architecture, it offers a way to deliver massive amounts of data at high bandwidth and low latency to data-intensive applications. The architecture also defines how to manage data life-cycle concerns, including migration and cold-storage retention. At a high level, Supermicro’s reference architecture address three important demands for AI and HPC storage: 1. Data Lake 2. All-flash storage tier 3. Specialized application servers How can one storage system provide both high performance and vast data stores? Supermicro’s solution offers a storage architecture in 3 tiers: 1. All Flash: Stores actiate data that needs the highest speeds of storage and access 2. Object: Long-term, capacity-optimized storage 3. Application: This is where your data-intesive workloads, such as machine-learning reside The entire architecture is modular. This can also be adjusted to deploy different kinds of products — for example, open-source vs. commercial software.