Fighting Carbon Creep In The Data Center
In an era where sustainability is not just a preference but a necessity, ensuring that IT environments adhere to eco-friendly practices is paramount. Over time, carbon emissions in a server room, data center or throughout IT in a business can increase slowly and gradually if equipment degrades, if it’s not monitored, or if the environment changes. That’s why it’s vital to maximize efficiency and sustainable performance. The Green Premium label by Schneider Electric is an environmental product declaration that signifies compliance with the latest global environmental standards. “Sustainable technology is increasingly important operationally—for optimizing costs, energy performance and asset utilization, for instance—but it also drives ESG outcomes like improving wellness and providing the traceability needed to ensure responsible business practices,” Gartner Report So, ensuring the products deployed continue to work up to expectations can have financial implications—making it all the more important to avoid carbon creep. Green Premium sets an important benchmark for solution providers and their customers, who can ensure the IT products they deploy are up to important and sustainable standards.