Dell Technologies & ESTI: PowerStore Prime Impact At DTW


Kena Johnson What's your experience been like here at Dell Tech World? Earl Gosick So Dell Technology World is a great opportunity for both ourselves and our clients to come and network with other people and to learn about modern technology. I personally think it's very important for us to get out of our day to day environment and come someplace like this, where we can strategize and think about the future. I really believe successful companies need to figure out the best way to leverage modern technologies to solve their business goals and Dell Technology world is perfect for that. ESTI and Dell has had a long relationship together. Kena Johnson How has their strategic approach set them apart? Earl Gosick So as you mentioned, we're a Dell Titanium partner. We've reached that level of partnership by working very closely with both Dell and our clients. For infrastructure projects, that means building highly competent and skillful teams to engage early on, sorry, with architecture and then holding the client's hand all the way through implementation and integration. That's how we build trust is by having one single partner for both Dell and our clients to come to, to engage throughout that entire process. With Dell and their partner first, that's critical to us doing business the way ESTI does. We need to be able to engage at very many different levels on a bunch of different projects, knowing that we're going to be able to work with Dell to sell those technologies and those solutions and then implement those solutions. It's huge because that allows us to remain profitable and engage so tightly the way we do. We also believe that it's really important to integrate that tightly and give our clients that level of support. And Dell allows us to do that, and works with us to do that. Kena Johnson What new opportunities do you see with PowerStore Prime? PowerStore Prime actually, the best opportunity is just to demonstrate the value of Dell products. If we look at the latest release today of PowerStore Prime, it just makes that product better and better. And we've seen that with every iteration. And every new sort of update that comes out with PowerStore is that we get either increased functionality, better performance, higher data efficiencies, and those all come at no cost to the clients. There’s not many technologies that we have in our industry that deliver increased value the longer you own it, and PowerStore is one of them.

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