Transforming Cloud Security: Fortinet’s Integration With The Google Cloud Marketplace Reseller Program


Sydney Neely Fortinet has recently been selected as a launch partner for the Google Cloud Marketplace Reseller program. This partnership opens up a world of possibilities for Fortinet partners looking to streamline their Google Cloud migrations and close deals faster. Joining me to tell us all about it and more is Paul Martin from Fortinet and Brian Stavis this from Google Cloud. Thank you both for joining us. Brian, starting with you, can you tell us about this new reseller program for Google Cloud Marketplace? Brian Stavis We are super excited about the launch of marketplace channel private offers today. What this brings to value for both our ISVs and customers is it allows them to tap into their network and ecosystem of best in class channel partners around the world. What this brings to channel partners is because on marketplace channel private offers the reseller, the distributor, the VAR, the MSP own the end to end billing and collection so that maintains their partner of record status with the end customer. Again, we are super excited to have Fortinet as a partner in this launch, and we're very excited for the road ahead for marketplace channel private offers on Google Cloud Marketplace. Sydney Neely Now, Paul, can you tell us about Fortinet Solutions on the Google Cloud Marketplace and how partners can leverage these for success? Paul Martin First of all, I just want to say that we are really pleased as well that, Google Cloud has taken the initiative and really driving this program. Fortinet is a 100% channel organization so doing business with partners on the marketplace is definitely how we want to do things moving forward. We are very excited because we offer a huge suite of products on Google Cloud. In fact, we were recently awarded Partner of the Year for Identity and Endpoint Protection in 2023 and Application and Infrastructure Security in 2024. So what does that mean? Well, that means that partners get access to enterprise class solutions that can secure their customers from endpoint all the way through to cloud. Within programs like our FortiFlex points, they get access to the whole fabric and platform of solutions, which they can offer to their customers via the Google Cloud Marketplace and access access those Google Cloud commits as well. So this is just great news. Sydney Neely This can really take partners to the next level. Walk us through how partners can get started right now with the reseller program. Brian Stavis It's relatively straightforward. If you are an ISV and you're interested in reselling your software through Google Cloud Marketplace, you get registered in the Partner Advantage program as a build partner. You go through some of the requirements, get resell authorized, and you are set. Then it's enabling all of your channel partners to begin selling your software through Google Cloud Marketplace. If you're a reseller, a distributor, an MSP, a VAR, you go through Partner Advantage. We also have another fast track, which is the 3P reseller initiative. If you want to sell just best in class third party software like Fortinet, we have a fast line for you to do so. We want to expedite the process for channel partners and ISVs ease to transact on Google Cloud Marketplace in the fastest way possible. Paul Martin From a Fortinet standpoint, that's great because we've got a huge number of partners that want to transact Fortinet Solutions on the Google Cloud Marketplace, and this program allows that and makes it not too arduous a task, for those partners to sign up. So the fact that Google Cloud has thought about that and have really removed a lot of hurdles to try and activate our partners, is great. If those Google Cloud partners actually want to look at reselling Fortinet Solutions, then we can very quickly and easily get them started on the Fortinet Partner Program. Again, it's go onto a website, a few clicks and you’re off and away. Sydney Neely Partners are always on the lookout for ways to get the most out of platforms. How will partners benefit from selling Fortinet Solutions on the Google Cloud Marketplace? Paul Martin Well, I think having a strategic approach with Fortinet and Google Cloud will really add value for partners. This tri-party approach is what customers are really looking for. They're looking to their vendors, the organizations that they're working with to come together and provide joint solutions and partners have a great way of helping customers navigate, certainly in our world, that security ecosystem, because there's so many different solutions to choose from, and they provide a huge amount of advice to their customers. Being able to join those dots and bring Google Cloud, into that as well, is going to provide huge value to the customers. Brian Stavis Now, with marketplace channel private offers, channel partners have the ability to now resell and distribute third party software like Fortinet through Google Cloud Marketplace.

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