Fortinet’s Channel Panel On Unified SASE


With brisk growth in the market, the secure access service edge (SASE) segment should be a growing focus for IT solution providers. Fortinet, a leader in the cybersecurity and SASE spaces, is taking steps to meet channel partners with more information, data points and success stories that are crucial in charting a successful path forward. The company is launching a new series, “Partner Success Stories with Unified SASE,” which will feature solution providers sharing their unique perspectives and providing compelling examples of how SASE has helped them provide positive outcomes for customers. The SASE market grew 31 percent last year to $8.4 billion worldwide, a strong indication that a growing amount of IT resources are being brought to bear in this area- Dell’Oro Group study Fortinet has been investing for years in key technologies that make up the foundations of SASE and is now positioned to provide leadership for partners who invest in the segment. The Fortinet Unified SASE is a cloud-centric, scalable security and networking solution that is deployed to provide protection for end users, network edges, and devices. It provides a number of features and functions, including security service edge, universal ZTNA, unified agent, SD-WAN and digital experience monitoring.

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